Achtung! Amerikaner – The Walt Right “Why I’m No Longer A White Nationalist”

Gordon and Grug are back, this time joined by AJ (The Smoke Pit) to discuss an article on Walt Bismarck’s Substack entitled “Why I’m No Longer A White Nationalist”. What starts as a series of opinions as to the validity and usefulness of 2010s-Era White Nationalism in todays politics turns to a broader, and quite uncharitable, diatribe against Midwesterners specifically, and the Achtung crew examines the article piece by piece.

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Walt’s Article:

One thought on “Achtung! Amerikaner – The Walt Right “Why I’m No Longer A White Nationalist”

  1. First off, he hates poor whites, second he is probably a jew. Here is a guy that made his identity being an “alt-right” cringe lord who never really cared about whites, just reacted to huff-po articles like a jack in the box. My guess is that he has a cushy job, that relies on the economy being good, and is writing this as a way to defend his existence. He has such distain for his own people it makes me sick the way he talks like a metropolitan elitist. Nice try and fuck off walt.


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